Home Life There are 5 letters ‘Y’ in this picture. Most people can only...

There are 5 letters ‘Y’ in this picture. Most people can only spot 2 in the first minute!

Look at this image. What do you see? There is no Y? Are you sure? Look it throws more attentively!

Picture puzzles are fun, aren’t they? You might think you have outgrown them because you are all grown up now, but we bet you still find it hard to ignore a good puzzle.

So? How did it go? Did you find all five? We are going to show you where they are down below in case you are having difficulties. But give it a really hard try first. Ready? Okay, here goes the answer?

Here is the answer:

Can you find them all?


Can you find the seven-dotted dice in this mind-bending puzzle?

Can you find the seven-dotted dice in this mind-bending puzzle?

The internet has been left stumped by a new mind-bending puzzle. People have been challenged to find the exact right amount of seven dots on a die’s face.

The puzzle sends people dotty as they look at a picture of multiple dice faces.

Here is the picture, Can you find the seven-dotted dice in this mind-bending puzzle?

Can you find the seven-dotted dice in less than 1 minute?

Check the answer below:







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