Home Life An overweight blonde consulted her doctor for advice.

An overweight blonde consulted her doctor for advice.

An overweight blonde consulted her doctor for advice. The doctor advised that she run 10 miles a day for 30 days.

This, he promised, would help her lose as much as twenty pounds.

The blonde follows the doctor’s advice, and, after thirty days, she was pleased to find that she’d indeed lost twenty pounds.

She phoned the doctor and thanked him for the wonderful advice which produced such effective results.

At the end of the conversation, however, she asked one last question:

“How do I get home, since I am now 300 miles away?”

We hope you guys like it! Wish you had a good day <3


A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are all running from the cops.

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead run away from the cops. They run to an old barn and hide in sacks of potatoes

The policeman chasing her enters the barn and looks for her. He kicks the first bag with the redhead and the redhead says “Arf arf!” The cop thinks it’s a dog, so walks to the next one.

He kicks the second bag, with the brunette, and she says “Meow, meow.” The cop thinks it’s a cat and moves on.

He kicks the third bag, with the blonde, and the blonde yells “Potato, potato!”


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