Home Life A Duck, a Pigeon, and a Chicken

A Duck, a Pigeon, and a Chicken

A duck, a pigeon, and a chicken all walk into a courtroom.

The judge asked the duck, “What is your crime?”

The duck replies, “I was blowing bubbles in front of City Hall.”

The judge says, “No crime is committed here, you’re free to go.”

The judge asks the pigeon, “What is your crime?”

The pigeon replies, “I was also blowing bubbles in front of City Hall.”

The judge looks a little confused, but finally says, “No crime is committed here, you’re also free to go.”

Lastly, the chicken walks up to the judge, and the judge asks, “What is your crime?”

The chicken, first looking back at the pigeon and the duck, then turning to the judge says, “I’m bubbles.”

A Duck Walks Into A Store One Day

One day, a duck walks into a store and asks the manager if they sell grapes.

The manager says, “No, we don’t sell grapes.”

The duck goes home and comes back the next day and asks the same question.

The manager repeats the same thing, “No, we don’t sell grapes”.

The duck goes home, comes back the next day, and asks the manager if they sell grapes.

This time the manager says, “No, we don’t sell grapes! If you ask again, I’ll nail your beak to the ground!”

The duck goes home. It comes back the next day and asks the manager if he has any nails.

The manager says, “No, I don’t have any nails.”

The duck says, “Okay, that’s good. Do you sell grapes?”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!

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