Home Life A blonde want to feed her goldfish.

A blonde want to feed her goldfish.

A blonde bought some goldfish.

A blonde bought some goldfish.

But she did not know how to feed them.

She called her brunette friend for help.

Once they were done feeding them, the blonde said,





”Now, what do I give them to drink?”

The Farmer and the Pig Food

A government man approaches a pig farmer and asks him what he feeds his pigs.

The farmer answers: “Oh the pigs? I just feed them whatever scraps I have lying around”.

He is surprised “Sir that is too bad for these pigs! I’ll have to fine you $10,000!”

The next day another official approaches the farmer and asks him what he feeds his pigs.

The farmer replies: “Oh the pigs? do not worry! Caviar, artisanal cheeses, and hand-picked salads!”

He is surprised “Sir, that food is way too rich for them, they’ll get sick! I’ll have to fine you $10,000!”

On the third day, another man approaches the farmer again and asks him what he feeds his pigs.

The farmer answers: “Oh the pigs? I just give them 20 bucks each and let them shop themselves.

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