Home Life Liz and Mary were talking in the office one day.

Liz and Mary were talking in the office one day.

Brunette Mary and blonde Liz were talking in the office one day.

Mary: “Wow, it seems you have a cold, Liz.”

Liz: “What should I do now, I just can’t get rid of this.”

Mary: “Try some Cold-Doc 3. I have a bottle on my desk. Just take 3 tablespoons before you go to bed and you’ll be fine. Here ya go.”

Liz: “Thanks, I’ll give it a try.”

The next day Liz was standing by her desk jumping up and down, waving her arms in the air, and kicking her legs out.

Mary: “Liz, It is nice to see you are feeling better. Is that a new dance?”



Liz: “Oh No, I still don’t feel that great. I took the medicine you gave me and just realized it said to shake well before using.”

An irate father stormed into the principal’s office.

An irate father stormed into the principal’s office:

“I want to know why my son Winslow was given a zero on his English examination.”

“We’ll get your Winslow’s English teacher in here. I’m sure she has some explanation.” the principal said

A few minutes later, the English teacher come in.

“Why did you give Winslow a zero on his test?” demanded the father.

“I had no choice,” said the schoolmarm.

“He handed in a blank paper with absolutely nothing on it.”

“That’s no excuse,” shouted the father.



“You could have at least given him an ‘A’ for neatness!”

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