Home Life L. Billy and his Grandad go fishing.

L. Billy and his Grandad go fishing.

L. Billy and his Grandad are searching for fishing worms to use as bait.

They are coming across many different insects but nothing suitable to use for bait until little Billy proudly holds up a long dangling insect.

Little Billy exclaims “I found some bait grandad”.

Grandad responds “sorry Billy we can’t use that. It is not an earthworm.”



Little Billy replies “well what planet does it come from Grandad.”

LoLLLL, Love this joke.

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Have a nice day, you are loved!

A teacher asked Johnny to spell the word on the board

The teacher asked Johnny to spell the word on the board

Little Johnny wasn’t very good at spelling.

One day, during a spelling exam, the teacher wrote the word “new” on the blackboard.

“Now,” she asked Johnny,

“what word would we have if we placed a “K” in the front?”

After thinking a few seconds,



Johnny said, “Canoe?”


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