Home Life Little Johnny was at the local supermarket with his parents.

Little Johnny was at the local supermarket with his parents.

Little Johnny, got tired of walking, so his Dad let Little Johnny sit on his shoulders.

As they walked Little Johnny started pulling his Dad’s hair.

His Dad asked Little Johnny to stop numerous times but he kept on.

Eventually, Little Johnny’s Dad got really annoyed and said, “Son Stop that immediately!”



“But, Daddy”, Little Johnny replied, “I’m just trying to get my chewing-gum back”.

The bar offered $1,000 to anyone who could beat the bartender

In a crowd, A man took out a lemon and squeezed it dry.

He said, “If anyone can squeeze a drop out of this lemon, I’ll give them $100”

Many people tried and no one could get any juice out of the lemon.

Finally, a man came up and squeezed out two drops of lemon juice.

The man blinked surprised and asked: “Who are you?”



The second man replied, “Income tax officer.”

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