Home Life You have 3 minutes to find all the answers in this quiz

You have 3 minutes to find all the answers in this quiz

These riddles are almost guaranteed to stump even the most creative thinkers and logic-minded individuals. We’re saying almost because we don’t know you personally and you could actually be the world’s smartest person.

Now, let’s challenge yourself by this tricky quiz. The answer will be given below, but don’t cheat, let’s see how fast can you find the odd one out.

1. You leave home and make one right turn, then three left turns, and then return home. Waiting for you, there are two people in masks. Who are they?

You leave home and make one right turn, then three left turns, and then return home. Waiting for you, there are two people in masks. Who are they?

2. It is high noon in the desert and there are two camels sitting still: one is facing east and the other is facing west. How do the camels see each other with no reflective surfaces and without turning their heads or bodies around?

It is high noon in the desert and there are two camels sitting still: one is facing east and the other is facing west. How do the camels see each other with no reflective surfaces and without turning their heads or bodies around?

3. A family of women is buying movie tickets. There are 4 mothers, 2 grandmothers, and 4 daughters. What is the minimum amount of tickets they can possibly buy?

A family of women is buying movie tickets. There are 4 mothers, 2 grandmothers, and 4 daughters. What is the minimum amount of tickets they can possibly buy?


The saying goes“30 days have September, April, June, and November..."you know the rest. Or do you? How many months have 28 days?


Check the answer below:

1. The Answer is: The catcher and the umpire (baseball)

2. The two camels were facing each other the entire time. Hence facing in opposite directions.

3. 4

4. One, it’s February


Can You Solve This Fish Math Riddle In Less Than One Minutes?

Feeling tired? Do you need a little brain boost? So move your thoughts and try to answer this puzzle in less than a minute! The answer is at the end of the article.

If you think the answer is 1, then you’re wrong! We’ll tell you


First, fish live underwater so they can’t drown!

Second, they’re in a tank so it’s impossible for them to escape by swimming away.

And third, even if they die they’re still in the tank!

So the correct answer is 10! All of the fish are still in the tank. Did you get it right?



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