Home Life A blonde and a brunette want to start a farm.

A blonde and a brunette want to start a farm.

Two sisters, one blonde and one brunette, are trying to start a farm.

The brunette sister finds a prized bull in the classified and leaves to check it out. She tells the blonde that she will contact her to come haul the bull back to the farm if she decides to buy it.

The brunette goes to the farm and decides to buy it then She heads to town to contact her sister. The only person she can find to help her is a telegraph operator.

The operator tells her “It costs 99 cents per word, what would you like to send?”

The brunette replies “Well I only have $1 left.” She thinks for a while and tells the operator she wants to send the word ‘comfortable.’

The operator asks “How will she know you bought the bull and want her to bring the haul from the word comfortable?”



The brunette replies “She’s a slow reader.”

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