Home Life A blonde girl was playing Roulette in Las Vegas

A blonde girl was playing Roulette in Las Vegas

A blonde girl was playing Roulette in Las Vegas.

She was having a bad day and lost all her money except the last $100.

“What else am I going to do now?”, – she cried.

The man was sitting next to her and asked her: “Why don’t you play your age?”



The girl put all her money on 29 and when 36 hit, she fainted.

Blondes love puzzles

There was this bartender & he was working at the bar one night.

In walked a group of blondes & they were chanting ”44 days! 44 days!”

One of the blondes was carrying a picture puzzle of Cookie Monster in a frame. The bartender leaned towards the blonde holding the puzzle and asked, ”Why are you chanting 44 days?”



She set down the puzzle on the counter and said, ”A lot of people think us blondes are dumb, so to show them, we bought this puzzle and put it together. It said 1-3 months but we completed it in 44 days!”’

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