Home Life A Chicken Farmer Went To A Local Bar.

A Chicken Farmer Went To A Local Bar.

A chicken farmer walked into a local bar, sat down next to a woman, and ordered a glass of champagne.

The woman perks up and says, “How about that? I just ordered a glass of champagne, too!”

“What a coincidence,” he said, “This is a special day for me, I’m celebrating.”

“This is a special day for me, too, and I’m also celebrating!” says the woman.

“What a coincidence,” says the man.

As they clinked glasses he asked, “What are you celebrating?”

“My husband and I have been trying to have a child, and today my gynecologist told me I’m pregnant!”

“What a coincidence,” says the man.

“I’m a chicken farmer. For years all my hens were i-n.fertile, but today they’re finally laying f-ertilized eggs.”

“That’s great!” says the woman, “How did your chickens become f-e.rtile?”

“I switched cocks,” he replied.

She smiled and said, “What a coincidence!”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

Two Texas farmers are sitting in a bar

Two Texas farmers, Jim and Bob, are sitting in a bar enjoying a beer.

Jim turns to Bob and says, “You know what, I’m going to go to college!”

He then leaves the bar and makes his way over to the local college. He is met with the Dean of Administration, who is explaining to Jim what classes he is going to take.

“Okay, Jim. You are going to take 4 classes,” the Dean says. “English, Math, Science, and Logic.”

“Logic?” Jim asks. “What is that?”

“Here I will give you an example. Do you own a weed wacker?”

Jim proudly replied, “Yes, I do.”

“Well, if you own a weed wacker, then logically speaking you own a lawn,” the Dean said.

“Yes, yes I do have a lawn!”

“Well, if you have a lawn, then logically speaking you own a house.”

“Yes, yes I do have a house!”

“And if you have a house, then logically speaking you have a family.”

“Yes, yes I do have a family!”

“And if you have a family, then logically speaking you have a wife. And if you have a wife, then logically speaking you’re straight.”

“Yes, yes I do have a wife and I’m straight! Wow, I can’t believe you found out all of that just because you knew I had a weed wacker!” Jim exclaimed.

“Yes, that’s what logic is,” the Dean responded. Jim excitedly went back to the bar, awaited by Bob.

“Bob, I’m taking 4 classes in college. English, Math, Science, and Logic,” Jim told Bob.

“Logic?” Bob asks. “What is that?”

“Here, I’ll give you an example. Do you own a weed wacker?”


“Then you’re gay.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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