Home Life A couple of blondes got lost at the mall.

A couple of blondes got lost at the mall.

A couple of blondes got lost at the mall.

So, they go to the map, where they see a red arrow that says, “YOU ARE HERE.”

One of the blondes looks at the others and says,



“Wow! How do they know that?”

The teacher decided to ask the class a riddle

The teacher decided to ask the class a riddle. “Does anyone know how to put 2 holes into one hole?”.

No one knew the answer so it was their homework to go home.

The kids came back the next day and still, none of them can figure out how to put 2 holes into one.

“I will show you the answer now children,” says the teacher as he looks pretty chuffed with himself.

He proceeds to hold his pointer finger against his thumb making a little ring. He then puts the ring he made with his fingers over his nose and says “look, here is the hole I made with my fingers and it is covering the 2 holes on my nose”

A little while later, little Johnny stands up and asks “excuse me sir, but do you know how to put 7 holes into one hole?”

The teacher replies “I have no idea Johnny, why don’t you tell us how you put 7 holes into one hole?”



Little Johnny replies “you simply sit on your recorder, sir”.


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