Home Life A guy goes into a bar and orders three shot of whiskey

A guy goes into a bar and orders three shot of whiskey

A guy goes into a bar and orders three separate shot glasses of Irish whiskey.

He drinks all three.

He does day after day after day, and finally, the bartender says, “You know, I can put all three of those shots into one glass for you, Would you like me to help you do that?”

The guy says, “No, I prefer it this way. I have two brothers over in Ireland, by this way I can feel like we here together having a drink.”

He comes in day after day after day, the bartender sets up three glasses.

And then one day, the guy says, “Give me two shots today.”

“What happened? Did something happen to one of your brothers?” the bartender asked with a worried face.



“No, no, no,” the guy said. “They’re okay. It’s just that I decided to quit drinking.”

A Blonde was digging a hole.

There were 2 blondes…

So I was sitting on a bench in the park one day and I saw 2 blondes working hard at the corner of the park

One was digging a hole and the other would fill it in immediately after the first was done.

This went on for about 2 hours until I walked over and said “Hey, you two are working pretty hard there, but I don’t understand what you are trying to achieve?”



To which one of the blondes replied “Well there’s usually 3 of us, but the one who plants the trees is off sick today”.


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