Home Life A Horse Farmer Walks Into a Bar

A Horse Farmer Walks Into a Bar

A horse farmer walks into a bar looking depressed.

The bartender says, “Hey, what’s the matter?”

The horse farmer says, “I have these two horses and I haven’t been able to tell them apart from all my life.

The bartender tells the horse farmer to weigh his horses, so he goes home and does it.

The next day he returns with a long face once more and says to the bartender.

He goes home, measures his horses, and comes back to the bar the next day with a face full of tears, weeping and the barman can tell the horse farmer’s horses are the same height.

“It’s not a good thing that each horse weighs exactly the same.”

The bartender mules it over, and says, “Here’s a thought, go home, take your horses, and measure their exact height. Then you’ll be able to tell your horses apart by their height.”

“What a great idea,” says the horse farmer.

He goes home, measures his horses, and comes back to the bar the next day with a face full of tears, weeping and the barman can tell the horse farmer’s horses are the same height.

The bartender thinks and thinks of a way to tell these horses apart. “Ah-ha!” proclaimed the bartender excitedly.

“Here’s what you do, go home to your horse sir, and measure the lengths of your horse’s tails, then finally you will be able to distinguish between your horses.”

“Thank you! That’s brilliant!” Exclaimed the newly relieved horse farmer, and on his way home he went to measure the lengths of his horse’s tail.

This horse farmer returns to the bar with a big smile on his face and proudly announces to the bartender, “Excellent news! It worked! My white horse has a tail 1/3 inch shorter than my black horse!”

LOL!! A dumb joke is still a good funny joke!

Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!

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