Home Life A man went on a business trip to China

A man went on a business trip to China

A man was on a business trip to China and wanted to buy gifts for his children.

He walked into a store and found a nice-looking CD player.

Wary of buying inferior goods, he asked the shopkeeper, ‘What happens if this doesn’t work?’

The shopkeeper quietly points to the only English sign that reads, ‘GUARANTEE NO SPOILED’.

Feeling assured, he paid for the CD player and returns to his hotel.

He tried to use the CD player after returning to the hotel, but it wouldn’t even switch on.

He quickly returned to the shop and asked for a refund or an exchange for another unit.

When the shopkeeper refuses to give either, the man points to the sign assuring him of the guarantee.

The shopkeeper then said, ‘Brother, you are in China. We read from the right to the left.’


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!

A guy goes to Las Vegas to gamble

A guy goes to Las Vegas to gamble and loses all his money.

He doesn’t even have enough for a cab, but he flagged one down anyway.

He explained to the driver that he would pay him back next time and gave him his phone number, but the driver told him, “Get the HELL out of my cab!”

So he walked all the way to the airport and got home.

Some time rolls by and he decides to go back to Vegas again and this time he wins BIG.

He gets his bags and is ready for the airport with all his new winnings.

There is a line of cabs and at the very end, he sees the driver from the last time that kicked him out.

He stood there for a while and thought about how can he get his revenge on that driver.

So he gets into the first cab.

“How much is it to the airport?” He asks.

The driver says, “$15.”

“Great, how much for you to s-leep with me on the way there?”

The cab driver says, “Get the hell out of my cab.”

So he goes to the next one and asks the same thing. “How much to the airport?”


“Great, how much for you to s-leep with me on the way there?”

And that cab driver also tells him to get the hell out of his cab.

He does this all the way down the line of drivers, each one kicking him out.

He finally gets to the last driver, the one from his last trip.

The driver doesn’t recognize him and he asks, “Hey, how much to the airport?”

The driver responds, “$15”.

The guy hands him $15 and says, “Great, let’s go!”

And so the driver leaves, and slowly drives past all the other drivers who are staring out their windows while the guy in the back smiles at them enthusiastically while giving them the thumbs up!


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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