Home Life A mother goes to the market and leaves her lilttle boy in...

A mother goes to the market and leaves her lilttle boy in the house.

A mother goes to the market and leaves her little boy in the house.

Meanwhile, she leaves her phone charging on the floor of the house.

Unfortunately, the power goes off and there is a message that comes with a sound on the phone.

The message reads, ‘battery low’.

Worried, the little boy picks up the phone and puts it on the table, and waits for a while to see another message on the phone that should read, ‘battery high’.

He was disappointed.


A Lawyer and a Naughty Little Boy

A lawyer is trying to call his clients.

The phone rings and their little boy whispers, “Hello.”

L = Lawyer

B = Little Boy

L: “Is your mother here?”

B: (whisper) “Yes.”

L: “Can I speak with her?”

B: (whisper) “She’s busy.”

L: “Is your father here?”

B: (whisper) “Yes.”

L: “Can I speak with him?”

B: (whisper) “He’s busy.”

L: “Is there anyone else?”

B: (whisper) “Firefighters.”

L: “Can I talk to one of them?”

B: (whisper) They’re busy.

L: “Is there anyone else?”

B: (whisper) “The police department.”

L: “Well, can I talk to one of THEM?”

B: (whisper) “They’re busy.”

L: “Let me make it clear, your mom, dad, firefighters, and police are ALL in your house and they are ALL busy. WHAT are they doing?”

B: (whisper) “They’re looking for me.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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