Home Life A Talking Cat for Sale

A Talking Cat for Sale

Walking along the street a family couple noticed a man and a cat with a sign: “TALKING CAT FOR SALE – ONLY $20.”

They came closer and the cat looked at them and said, “Please buy me. I am a very nice cat. I know how to use the bathroom. I can do the chores and mow the lawn. I am also an excellent cook! I even can make a cake when you have a birthday!”

The couple looked at each other shocked, and asked the seller, “Why on Earth would you sell such an incredible talking cat for $20?”

You know, the birthday cake he made for me had the d-e.a.d mouse on top. He is lying when he is saying he is a great cook. AND I HATE LIARS!


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

An old woman was walking her dog one evening

One evening, an old woman was walking her dog when a young man ran by her, grabbed her purse, and took off.

A couple across the street ran over to check on her saying the police were called and would be here in a few minutes.

The old woman smiles and tells the couple it’s really not a big deal. She carries her old purse to put her dog’s poop in it until she comes home to get rid of it.

Imagine the surprise when the thief opens the purse.


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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