Home Life There was a blonde who was at an all-blonde football game.

There was a blonde who was at an all-blonde football game.

There was a blonde who was at an all-blonde football game.
At halftime, she was called down to answer questions to see if she could win $1000.

The first question was what is 10 plus 11?

She hesitates and says, “hmm.. 5!”

The host says “No, I’m sorry that’s incorrect.”

All of the blondes in the stadium chanted “Give her another chance, give her another chance!”

So the host agrees and said, “Ok how about 5 plus 5.”

She answers and says “20”.

Again all the blondes chanted “Give her another chance, give her another chance.”

So the host agrees again and says, “OK, last chance, what is 2 plus 2.”

The blonde says “4!” and the audience says “Give her another chance give her another chance!”

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A blonde female cop pulls over another female blonde.

A blonde female cop pulls over another female blonde.

The cop says “Can I have your license mam?”.

The blonde looks in her purse for 2 minutes and gets mad and says ” What does it look like?”
The cop says “It’s square with you’re facing on it.”.

The blonde keeps looking. She finds a square mirror and looks in it, and her reflection is there.

She hands it to the cop. The cop looks and says “Oh I didn’t realize you were a cop.”.

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