Home Life A Blonde Complained with a Librarian

A Blonde Complained with a Librarian

A Blonde Complained with a Librarian

A blonde stormed up to the front desk of the library and, screaming, said, “I have a complaint!”

“How can I help you?” said the librarian looking up at her.

“I borrowed a book last week and it was horrible!”

Puzzled by her complaint, the librarian asked: “What was wrong with it?”

“It had way too many characters and there was no plot!” said the blonde.

The librarian nodded and said, “Ahhh. So YOU must be the person who took our phone book.”



A blonde driving a car became lost in a snowstorm.

A blonde driving a car became lost in a snowstorm.

She didn’t panic, however, because she remembered what her dad had once told her. “If you ever get stuck in a snowstorm, just wait for a snowplow to come by and follow it.”

Sure enough, very quickly a snowplow arrived and she started to follow it.

She followed the plow for about forty-five minutes. Finally, the truck driver got out and asked her what she was doing.

She explained that her father told her to follow a plow in case she ever got stuck in a snowstorm.

The driver nodded and said, “Well, I’m done with the Wal-Mart parking lot, do you want to follow me over to Best Buy now?”


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