Home Life A blonde stormed up to the front desk of the library

A blonde stormed up to the front desk of the library

A blonde rushed to the library reception and said with a screaming voice: “I have a complaint!”

“How can I help you?” the librarian looking up at her and said

“I borrowed a book last week and it was ho..rri..ble!”

Puzzled by her complaint the librarian asked “What was wrong with it?”

“It had way too many characters and there was no plot!” said the blonde.

The librarian nodded and said, “Ahhh. So YOU must be the person who took our phone book.”


One day a blonde came home from school and came to her mother

One day a blonde came home from school and came to her mother and said, “Hey, Mommy! Mommy!

Today in school we learned to count.

The other kids could only count to three but I can count to Ten….. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!”

The mother responds, “Very good honey.”

The blonde asks, “Is that because I’m a blonde mommy?”

And the mother responds, “Yes dear.”

The next day the blonde came home and went to her mother and said, “Today in school we learned our ABCs!

The other kids could only get to D but I can get to K! …. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K!”

The mother says, “Very good honey.”

The blonde then asked.

“Is that because I’m a blonde, Mommy?”

The mother responds, “Yes dear.”

The third day the blonde come home from school and said to her mother, “Mommy today in school we went swimming!

But I was the only one who had br….ea….sts.

Is that because I’m a blonde, Mommy?”

And the mother responds, “No Honey, it’s because you’re twenty-five.”


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