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Can You Solve ALL Of The Riddles In This Tricky Series? Take 3

Riddles are proven to help improve our brain function, logical thinking, and concentration! We love finding challenging puzzles for you to try out so this is a new series of brainteasers for you! What are you waiting for, give it a go!

Can you solve this riddle?

People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?

This one isn’t so hard.

Who am I?





A plate.

Can You Solve ALL Of The Riddles In This Tricky Series? Take 1

Can you solve these riddle?

1. Which months have 28 days?

2. Why do giraffes drink more water in March than in February?

3. What has a face but no body?

4. If a rooster lays an egg on the top of a bell tower, from which side will the egg fall?

5. Everyone steps on me, but I never step on anyone. Everyone asks where I am, but I don’t ask for anyone. Who am 1? 

6. A white horse entered the Black Sea. How did it come out?

7. A couple of newlyweds are looking for a church to get married in, but all of them are closed. How can they get married?

8. I have a cat that has 3 kittens: Mopsy, Topsy, and Spot. What is the mother’s name. 




Did you figure it out? Here’s the answer: 

1. All months have 28 days.

2. Because March has more days than February.

3. A coin.

4. Nowhere, because roosters don’t lay eggs

5. The street.

6. It came out wet.

7. They’re already married.

8. There’s no question mark here because it’s a statement. The mother’s name is What.

How many answers did you get right?

Did you get it right? Did you have a wrong initial answer?

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