Home Life Can You Solve This Tricky Riddle In Less Than 1 Minute?

Can You Solve This Tricky Riddle In Less Than 1 Minute?

Read the riddle carefully, because you never know, the answer may already be staring right at you! Look between the lines and make sure to read each individual word, often in a different context.

Hint: remember when you were at school learning the rhyme that told you how many days are in each month.

How many months have 28 days?

Can you do it?





Most months have 30 or 31 days – but how many months have 28 days?

Think twice before giving the answer. Don’t rush it! When you’ve decided, look beneath the picture for the answer!

The answer is that all 12 months have 28 days! Even those who have 30 or 31 also have 28, right? I have to admit that I got this one wrong!

Can You Solve ALL Of The Riddles In This Tricky Series? Take 1

Riddles are proven to help improve our brain function, logical thinking, and concentration! We love finding challenging puzzles for you to try out so this is a new series of brainteasers for you! What are you waiting for, give it a go!

Can you solve these riddle?

1. Which months have 28 days?

2. Why do giraffes drink more water in March than in February?

3. What has a face but no body?

4. If a rooster lays an egg on the top of a bell tower, from which side will the egg fall?

5. Everyone steps on me, but I never step on anyone. Everyone asks where I am, but I don’t ask for anyone. Who am 1?

6. A white horse entered the Black Sea. How did it come out?

7. A couple of newlyweds are looking for a church to get married in, but all of them are closed. How can they get married?

8. I have a cat that has 3 kittens: Mopsy, Topsy, and Spot. What is the mother’s name.




Did you figure it out? Here’s the answer: 

1. All months have 28 days.

2. Because March has more days than February.

3. A coin.

4. Nowhere, because roosters don’t lay eggs

5. The street.

6. It came out wet.

7. They’re already married.

8. There’s no question mark here because it’s a statement. The mother’s name is What.

Did you get it right? Did you have a wrong initial answer?

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