Home Life Find the letter ‘Q’

Find the letter ‘Q’

This test has been around for a couple of years, but it recently emerged again and ready to leave people helplessly looking for that one letter that is different from the rest.

Can you spot the letter Q among the O’s in less than 7 seconds?

The simplest method is to scan through the picture line by line until you hit upon the row hiding the letter Q.

So get ready for what you are looking for before you cast your eyes on the image. Avoid focusing on any particular area of the grid as it might slow you down when looking at the wrong area. It can make you dizzy too!

Did you find the letter Q? If you managed to find it in less than 7 seconds—well done, your mind and eyes are in fine working order!





If you don’t find it, don’t worry because it’s not a mark on your cognitive abilities nor your eyesight!

Find the letter N in less than 10 seconds

Find the letter N

The task below is about mind-eye coordination. Your mission is to find the letter N hiding among the many M’s. It sounds easier than it is!

Apparently, only 1 in 10 can solve this within 10 seconds! So if you manage to do it, then you’re practically a genius! Here it is: ready, set go!




Did you find it? Here’s the solution!

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