Home Life George came home from University in tears.

George came home from University in tears.

George came home from University in tears.

“Mom, am I adopted?”

“No of course not!”, his mother replied. “Why would you think such a thing?”

George showed her the results of his genealogy DNA test.

No match for any of his relatives, and a strong match for a family who lived on the other side of the city.

Worried, his mother called her husband.

“Honey, George did a DNA test and…and…I don’t know how to say this… he may not be our son.”

“Well, obviously!” he replied.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“It was your idea in the first place,” her husband said. “You remember, that first night in the hospital when the baby did nothing but scream and cry and scream and cry. On and on. And you asked me to change him.”

“I picked a good one I reckon. Ever so proud of George.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

Son asks his father to come to school.

A little boy came home from school one afternoon and rushed to approach his dad.

He informed his father that his math teacher needed his attention at school.

The father was surprised and asked his son what he did wrong.

The boy noted that he did nothing wrong and explained the exchange between him and the math teacher.

He said, “Well, she asked me, ‘How much is 7*9?’ I answered ’63’ then she asked ‘and 9*7?’ So I asked, “What’s the difference?”

The father listened intently and agreed with his son, assuring him he made no mistake with his question.

The dad also said he would see his mathematics teacher.

The father listened carefully and agreed with his son, assuring him that he hadn’t gotten his question wrong.

The father also said he would see his math teacher.

A few days later, the boy came home from school and this time asked his father if he had already gone to see his math teacher.

The father replied that he was yet to go.

The boy then told his father that as soon as he got to his school, he should make sure to see the gym teacher as well.

His father was confused and asked his son what had happened.

The boy replied that his class had a gym lesson, and during the lesson, his gym teacher asked him to raise his right arm, which he did.

Again, the teacher asked him to raise his left arm, and he did.

The boy continued to say that the gym instructor asked him to raise his left leg.

While his left leg was suspended in the air, the gym teacher asked him to raise his right leg.

The boy explained that at this point, it was getting too much.

He was so frustrated that he blurted, “What, am I supposed to stand on…. my butt?”

The father was surprised by his son’s experience with the gym teacher and agreed that his son was right for asking.

The father also said he would be at school the next day. But apparently, he didn’t have time.

Two days later, the little boy was back home with another complaint.

He also told his father that he had been expelled from school.

The father was surprised, wanting to know what happened.

He shared that the principal called him into the office with his gym teacher and his art teacher.

At that moment, the father shouted, “The way the art teacher doing there?!”

The boy replied, “That’s what I said!”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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