Home Life Little boy wants to get married

Little boy wants to get married

Boy aged 4: – Dad, I’ve decided to get married.

Dad: Wonderful; do you have a girl in mind?!

Boy: Yes… grandma! She said she loves me, I love her, too….and she’s the best cook & story teller in the whole world!!

Dad: That’s nice, but we have a small problem there!!
Boy: What problem?!

Dad: She happens to be my mother. How can you marry my mother!!

Boy: Why not?! You married mine!!!!


if you were his father, how would you reply?

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One day Little Jimmy was digging a hole in his back yard.

One day Little Jimmy was digging a hole in his back yard.

The next-door neighbor spotted him and decided to investigate.

“Hello Jimmy, what are you up to?” he asked.

“My goldfish died and I’m gonna bury him,” Jimmy replied.

“That’s a really big hole for a goldfish, isn’t it?” asked the neighbor.

“That’s because he’s inside your cat!”

Little Jimmy is very smart, isn't he?

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