Home Life Little Johnny asks his mom.

Little Johnny asks his mom.

It’s Christmas morning and after all the gifts are unwrapped Little Johnny asks the following question, “Mother, where did all these pretty toys come from?”

Mother: “Johnny, Santa brought all of them.”

Johnny: “Did he bring everything? Did he bring the electric train, the baseball glove, and the bat? The ice skates…”

Mother: “Yes Johnny, Santa brought everything.”



Johnny: “Well, then who buys all the things in the stores?”

A salesman was going door to door trying to sell his wares.

A salesman was going door to door trying to sell his wares.

As he walked up to the next house, he noticed a small boy sitting on the front steps.

“Is your mother home?” the salesman asked the small boy.

“Yeah, she’s home,” the boy said, scooting over to let him pass.

The salesman rang the doorbell, got no response, and knocked once, then again.

Still, no one came to the door. Turning to the boy, the fellow said, “I thought you said your mother was home?!”



The kid replied, “She is, but this isn’t where I live.”

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