Home Life How Many Holes are there in this T-Shirt?

How Many Holes are there in this T-Shirt?

Here is a super-easy riddle but at the same time answer it carefully, you will be surprised to see the different answers you will get.

Look at the picture below and guess how many holes are there in this T-shirt?







Answer: 10


Before you jump and answer 3 or 6, think whether you have counted all the holes?

Yes, all the parts which have an opening can be called as holes.

So the holes would be as follows;

Hole for Neck or collar = 1
Hole for Two arms = 2
Hole for torso = 1
Torn holes in front = 3
Torn holes in back = 3

Therefore the total number of holes = 10


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The human brain is the real controller of your body and to keep it working you need constant exercise. These puzzles will keep your brain in good shape.

It is known for ages that the brain is the controller of the body. In any case, to keep the controller working we have to experience continuous exercises. There are numerous ways where one can prepare the mind and increase its productivity.

Again, ensure you cover every part of the question and after that answer. There is something that girls have 5, but cows have just 4



Solution: Do not blast your head in the wake of knowing the appropriate response. It’s the number of letters in the spelling.


Did your mind get a real exercise after these riddles? Continue solving such enigmas and give oxygen to your brain.

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