Home Life Paddy Got On A Bus.

Paddy Got On A Bus.

Paddy got on a bus one day and sat in the aisle seat beside an elderly lady.

A few minutes later, He couldn’t control himself and let loose a huge fart.

Embarrassed, he tried to make conversation with the lady and asked her, “Do you by any chance have today’s paper?”

The old lady said, “No, but the next time we pass a tree I’ll grab you a handful of leaves…


Murphy And Paddy Were Watching A Movie

Paddy and Murphy were watching a movie.

Paddy said to Murphy, “I bet you €5 John Wayne falls off this horse and the horse goes over the cliff.”

Murphy said, “Okay, Paddy.”

So here they are, watching the movie, and John Wayne falls off his horse and the horse goes over the cliff.

Paddy turns round to Murphy, “I told you what would happen.”

Murphy said, “You’re right, Paddy, there you go €5.

Paddy thinks and at the end of the film, says, “I feel pretty bad here Murphy.”

“Why that Paddy?”

“Because I’ve seen this film before.”

Murphy says, “So have I, but I didn`t expect him to make the same mistake twice.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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