Home Life Select Any 3 Watermelons And Make The Sum 30.

Select Any 3 Watermelons And Make The Sum 30.

Question: Can you select any 3 watermelons to get a sum of 30?

Did you do it? If you struggled, don’t worry, we have the solution for you, right below.

Try it again.

It is said that only 1 in 10 people can solve this puzzle on the first try, because yes – it is actually not that easy.

With this kind of challenges, it’s always a good idea to think a little “outside the box”.

Well, as I said, it’s quite difficult!

But after you solve it, or want to see the solution, you can find it below!







Answer: 11, 13 & 6 is the answer

(Put the watermelon with ‘9’ upside down to get ‘6’)

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