Home Life THIS Simple Puzzle Has Nothing To Do With Math

THIS Simple Puzzle Has Nothing To Do With Math

Do you love cracking some puzzles? In case your answer is yes, then, you can surely get the answer to this one! Just bear in mind that this very simple puzzle has nothing to do with math. Ready?

Note: The answer is provided below!

So do you have an answer now? If yes, let’s check if it is correct!

(Please don’t scroll down unless you’re already done answering.)





Is your answer correct? We hope it is! Challenge your friends and family members by sharing this very simple puzzle with them!

Most People Cannot Solve These 7 Simple Puzzles. Can You?

Test your wits with our hardest riddles ever. Can you solve them?

Riddles are proven to help improve our brain function, logical thinking, and concentration! We love finding challenging puzzles for you to try out so this is a new series of brainteasers for you! What are you waiting for, give it a go!

Can you solve these hardest riddles?

1. What has 4 letters, occasionally has 12 letters, always has 6 letters, but never has 5 letters.

2. People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?

3. A man is alone in his house washing dishes. When he looks down, there are more glasses in the sink than there were before. How?

4. As a stone inside a tree, I’ll help your words outlive thee. But if you push me as I stand, the more I move the less I am.

5. What is a fruit that you can take away the first letter of and it becomes a crime, you can take away the first 2 letters and it becomes an animal, and when you take away the first and last letters it becomes a form of music?

6. If you throw me out the window, you’ll leave a grieving wife. But leave me in the middle of the door, And you might just save a life. What am I?

7. I am clean when I’m black, dirty when I’m white. What am I?





1. “What” — 4 letters, “Occasionally” — 12 letters, “Always” — 6 letters, “Never” — 5 letters.

2. Plate.

3. His glasses fell into the sink when he looked down.

4. A pencil.

5. A grape.

6. The letter “n”.

7. Chalkboard.

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