Home Life This “simple” riddle is too tricky for most people – but can...

This “simple” riddle is too tricky for most people – but can you solve it?

Try to solve this “simple” riddle

Puzzles come in many different forms. It can be anything from crosswords to a clever riddle, or even math problems.

Puzzles have been everywhere for as long as humanity has existed.

To solve one, it’s important to think with creativity, which means that you have to focus and see things from a different angle.

How long does it take?

Okay, here comes today’s challenge. You can find it in the image below.

“It takes 10 minutes to boil an egg. How long does it take to boil 3 eggs?”

What an interesting question. Can you guess the answer?

If you can’t, check below.




Here is the correct answer

The correct answer is 10 minutes.

If it takes 10 minutes for one egg, then it takes just as much time for three eggs if you put them at the same time.

That’s clever, it sure took me a while to realize how wrong my train of thought was!

Did you pick the correct answer? Congratulations on that case!

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