Home Life The teacher asks little Johnny: What came after ten?

The teacher asks little Johnny: What came after ten?

The teacher asks little Johnny if he knows his numbers.

“Yes,” he says. “My daddy taught me.”

“Can you tell me what comes after three?”

“Four,” answers little Johnny.

“What comes after six?”

“Seven,” answers little Johnny.

“Very good,” says the teacher. “Your father did a very fine job.

What comes after ten?”

“A jack,” answers little Johnny.



Little Johnny and the Science Question

Little Johnny and the Science Question

A science teacher asked her students “Children if you could own one material, what would it be?

One girl said, “I would choose gold. It’s worth lots of money and I could buy a Corvette.”

One boy said, “I would want platinum because it’s worth more than gold and I could buy a Porsche.”

The teacher said, “Little Johnny, What would you want?”

Johnny said, “I would want silicone.” “Why would you want silicone?” Asked the teacher

“Well my mom got some, he replied, “and there’s always a Porsche or Corvette sitting in our driveway.”


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