Home Life Three woman walks into a salon.

Three woman walks into a salon.

A redhead walks into a salon

A redhead walks into a salon and the hairstylist says: “your hair is gorgeous”

The redhead runs her hand through her hair and says: “It’s natural”

Then a brunette walks in and the stylist says: “I love your hair”.

The brunette runs her hand through her hair and says it’s natural.

Then a blonde with green streaks walks in and the stylist says “That’s different…”

The blonde sneezes wipe it on her hand and runs her hand through her hair and says,



“It’s natural!”

A blonde woman bought a MAGNOLIA TREE

A blonde woman in Georgia bought a magnolia tree from a local nursery but, after only a few months, its leaves shriveled and it appeared to be on its last legs.

She took some leaf samples back to the nursery and demanded an explanation.

“Oh, I know exactly what’s wrong with your magnolia tree, ma’am,” said the manager.

“Good,” she replied. “What is it?”



“Autumn!” he said.

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