Home Life Try to solve this tricky math problem for middle schoolers – without...

Try to solve this tricky math problem for middle schoolers – without a calculator

Classic brain training methods are perhaps puzzles like crosswords or sudoku, but in recent times I have become more and more attracted to the type of challenge you’ll see below.

These types of puzzles have been flooding the web lately, probably because they are really fun!

These are old classic mathematical problems. When you were in middle or high school.

These tests are more fun when you find yourself trying to remember the math you learned as a child.

Can you solve this equation – without a calculator?

Okay, now to the challenge.

Below is a tricky equation. Can you solve it without using a calculator?

What do you think the right answer is?

To make things easier for everyone, we will show you 3 options! Can you solve the problem?

Are you sure about your answer?


Is it possible to solve it the usual way, from left to right? Do you have to start somewhere else instead? Yes, that’s the question!




Here comes the answer

Now, take your time – then check the answer in the picture below!

In conclusion, the answer is 26!

After solving the numbers inside the parenthesis, it is as simple as adding 1 and 25.

Did you get the right answer? If so, then congratulations!

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