Home Blog Just a Small White Dot.

Just a Small White Dot.

A kindergarten class had a homework assignment to find out something exciting and relate it to the class the next day.

When the time came to present what they’d found, the first little boy the teacher called on walked up to the front of the class, and with a piece of chalk, made a small white dot on the blackboard and sat back down.

Puzzled, the teacher asked him what it was. ‘It’s a period,’ he replied.

‘I can see that,’ said the teacher, ‘but what is so exciting about a period?’

‘Darned if I know,’ chirped the little boy, ‘but this morning my sister was missing one, my mother fainted, my dad had a heart attack, and the boy next door joined the Navy!’

Do you like this joke?

A 5-year old girl went to visit her grandmother one day.

She played with her dolls as grandma dusted the furniture.

At one point, she looked up and asked: “Grandma, how come you don’t have a boyfriend?”

Grandma replied: “Honey, my TV is my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The TV evangelists keep me company and make me feel so good. The comedies make me laugh. I’m so happy with my TV as my boyfriend.”

Grandma turned on the TV and the picture was horrible. She started adjusting the knobs trying to get the picture in focus. Frustrated, she started hitting the back of the TV hoping to fix the problem.

The little girl heard the doorbell ring so she hurried to open the front door. When she opened the door, there stood Grandma’s minister.

The minister said: “Hello young lady. Is your grandma home?”

The little girl replied: “Yeah, she’s in the bedroom bangin’ her boyfriend.”


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