Home Blog Son Tells Mom He Wants Five Wives When He Grows Up.

Son Tells Mom He Wants Five Wives When He Grows Up.

A mother and father in their 40s loved their children very much.

They had three kids, two of whom were already grown up. Their third child, the youngest, was only 10 years old. They were tucking their young boy in to bed one night when they asked him what he wanted when he grew up.

Son: Mom, I also want 5 wives. One will cook, one will sing, one will bathe me.

Mom: And one will put you to sleep.

Son: No mom, I will still sleep with you.

Mom’s eyes filled up with tears. God bless you son.

Mom: But who will sleep with your 5 wives?

Son: Let them sleep with daddy.

Daddy’s eyes filled up with tears. God bless you son!

Is he cute?

So a kid is going through his mother’s purse and takes out her driving license.

His mother catches him reading it and mildly scolds him. The kid says “but i learned so much about you from it!”

“Well, OK, what did you learn about me?”

“Well… I know your age now.”

“And what is that?”, says his mother.

“You’re old”, says the kid.

“And I learned your height.”

“Which is?”

“You’re really tall.”

“Well, yes, I am tall for a woman.”

“And I learned your weight”, he says.

“And what is that?”, asks the mother.

“A lot for a woman your height.”

The mother sighs and says “Well, that’s not nice, but I can’t argue that.”

“And,” the kid says, “I know why dad divorced you.”

“Huh? What?! How on earth did you get that from a driver’s license?”

“Because you got an F in s*x!”

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